Legal English
What is Legal English?
Legal English is a technical language that is used in the specific area of the legal profession by solicitors, barristers (also known as lawyers or attorneys). Unlike general English there are many terms that originate from latin. For example: ex parte means for one party. Another example is:’ Injunction’ which means ‘order’. An ex parte injunction means an order, granted by the judge commanding, directing only one party in relation to a matter.
Why Is Learning Legal English so important today?
Learning legal terms is fundamental if you want a career in law or you work in an area that requires you to have some knowledge of law. The main reason behind this is the rise in globalization. You may study in one country and apply your skills in another country. Therefore it is important that you learn skills such as legal English before moving to another country where the common language is English.
For example, if you have studied law in Italy, Slovakia or Brazil and you want to practice in a country where English is the first language or you need to liaise with international lawyers, because they will be using English as their main language in their transactions; you will need to have an understanding of the legal terms they use in their negotiations and correspondence with you.
Challenges you may have faced if English is your second language
English may be your second language so you can come across various challenges.
This could be due to the fact that you have not found the right tutor or the right course. It may also be because you are working and you cannot find the time to pursue a course.
Legal English Practical Course – LEPC – Course Overview
The legal English practical course includes the following:
- Understanding the terminology of commercial and international contracts
- Analysing and simplifying complex commercial clauses
- Principals of modern contracts with an overview of commercial law
- Format of legal opinions
- Drafting letters, reports and briefs to counsel
- How to effectively negotiate
- How to effectively take instructions from a client
- Client care issues and the typical contents of a client care letter
- Vocabulary used in banking and company law
- Basic principals of contract law
- English legislation and the English court structures
- The difference between countries governed by common law and those countries governed by codified law
- An understanding of distribution agreements

Benefits of the Legal English – LEPC – Onsite Courses
- The course is highly practical
- Taught by lawyers who practice the law
- You will receive a certificate of completion
- The course includes visits to the Royal Courts of Justice or the Old Bailey
- You will dine at the Middle Temple
- You will be continuously assessed
- The certificate is CPD certified

Legal English (LELC 1) – Is an elementary course, designed to help you understand the basics. By the end of the course you will be able to structure and write your first letter in English.
Legal English – (LELC 2) – This helps you further by giving you an understanding of drafting complex advice letters to addendums and statements.
Legal English – (LELC 3) – This will help you understand the structure and contents of a contract, the meaning of many boiler plate clauses and how to amend clauses with ease.
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